BassiNest Swivel Sleeper Product Information
- What if BassiNest breaks or I need a replacement part?
- What’s the benefit of BassiNest Swivel Sleeper vs. a traditional bassinet?
- How do I store BassiNest in between usage?
- How to assemble a BassiNest Swivel Sleeper?
- What is the return policy and warranty for BassiNest?
- How to clean a bassinest?
- What age and size of baby can use the BassiNest Swivel Sleeper?
- What safety standards does the BassiNest Swivel Sleeper meet?
- What are the BassiNest Swivel Sleeper dimensions?
- Can it be used on bare or carpeted floors?
- Can it be used with all kinds of adult beds?
- How does the BassiNest Swivel Sleeper’s easy lowering wall work?